Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fourth Day of School

So, my mom is making me read this book tonight. I don't know why. It's called: Bible. I read the first few words already, but Mom is making me read at least three pages. I get back to that tomorrow anyway, yesterday, I had this crazy dream. It was about this guy, he looked like 30 or something, and this water sphere thing. He was like, "Let there be light," and there was light! He was like, yeah this is cool. And then he said, "Let there be expanse between the water to seperate water from water." And I was like, what? But anyway he said, "Sky," and I was like, okaaaaay. Then he said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And, boom, there it was. He said, "Land." Then I woke up. 
It was like freaky weird and.... this water sphere started to remind me of Earth, but that would be impossible! 
Anyway, I am not looking forward to reading that giant book!


<= The book my mom is making me read

The stick-ish thing my mom gave me

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Darrin And His Dad

"Hey Dad! I got you a present!" exclaimed Darrin. "Aw, you didn't have to, son! Having you around is a present!" humbly replied his dad. Darrin's mom laughed, "Darrin the Magnificent is the best son ever!" She scooped him up and brought him to his dad. "What is it, boy?" Darrin's dad asked. "It's a card! I also got you a tie! See?" Darrin took the tie from behind his back. And handed him the card. The tie was a yellow tie with red stripes. "I'll look very handsome in this tie!" Dad said. He opened the card. It said:

You're the best dad in the world. If I had anyone else to replace you, I would try to find you whereever you were! I love you more than Romeo loves Juliet! (That's a lot!) So, have a:

Happy Fathers' Day to all the dads out there!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Third Day of School

Now I'm absolutely sure my mom hates me. She signed me up for this No Drugs Class we're gonna have at school. PLUS, she gave me this weird metal stick with a large and a small stick across it. A diagonal stick below everything just made the thing look stranger. I grasped it and threw it down on my night stand. I am soooo stressed right now. My brother is playing the worst song on his keyboard with his nerdy friends. My mom is making soup. I have to go to the No Drugs Class tomorrow. It's crazy I can't believe I let my mom torture me like this! It's C-R-A-Z-Y. Okay, now I'm just going to take a nap. I'm too stressed to even right. Plus, I broke my led writing crazy. I'm using a new pencil now. Zzzzzzz....    

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Second Day of School

I don't get why Mom hates me. She's making me write in this stupid thing everyday! And she is going to check everyday! AHHHHH!!!! Sorry, I just had to scream. This is so frustrating. I have to hide in this empty classroom in the lunch hour everyday. Mr. McDonald, the teacher of this classroom, is supposed to teach math, but he teaches social studies instead. Luckily, we don't have to learn math. I don't care if I get pulled back. I just am glad we learn about Native Americans and Spanish explorers and farmers instead of the volume of cylinders and pi! I only know that kids learn that stuff because my brother, Kyle, is a brainiac and dreams of being a rock star and singing his "original" and weird songs that go like this:

Oh yeah! Sing it to me-e-e-e!
That's right! Now, sing along!
Everybody, now! Si-i-i-i-ing! Now!
H2O is another name for water.
And pi's really easy to learn!
But right now I'm gonna tell you the steps to finding,
Ooooo! Oxy-e-e-e-egen!
You don't need to go anywhere but outside,
to find this breathing helper!
Refrain: H2O don't matter nothin' to me-e!
Just that crazy oxygen!...

There's a lot more to it but I'm soooo not going to put that stuff down even if you gave me a million dollars. Kyle says he'd call himself the X=3 Man. I can't believe he can't even find a normal name for himself. He actually has to use algebra. By the way, Mom says I'm grounded again. She also says I need to find my spirit and that she has a surprise for me on Sunday. She gave me a "present," too. Guess what it was. It was a book!!! It was so lame. It had a picture of a bunch of kids sitting next to a guy with a white dress on. I guess that dude couldn't find any decent clothes at Walmart. I turned to the table of contents and it was broken into the two sections. Did I tell you this book was huge? Because it was!!! It was like as thick as my my pinky, ring finger, middle finger, and index finger together!!! So, the two sections were Old Testament and New Testament. I turned to the first page and in huge letters, "GENESIS." It had a number next to the first word: One. It read, "In the beginning..." and then I closed the book. Why would my mom give me a history book?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dream Journal Introduction

I am a normal kid. Everything around me is normal, too. My name is Jesse, nothing weird. My best friend's name is...well...I don't really have a best friend. But, at my my school, that's normal. That's actually WAY more normal than having a best friend here in Houston, Texas. A lot of people from other states tell me I'm lucky to live in Houston because of NASA. They tell me if they came the first thing they would do is go to Space Center Houston and go on the tour of NASA. I asked my mom if we could do that. And of course, she said no. It's almost as though we don't live in Houston if we don't use what Houston gets. We eleven-year-olds to fifteen-year-olds have to be cool to live, so we watch this show by a cool kid at our school that he posts on Handbook and Vlogger. When it comes to pickpocketing I'm a dumbo, but if you bring up Justin Seiser, Selena Lomez, or Taylor Fifth I know everything; from favorite color to favorite cereal. EVERYTHING! My mom tells me I need to be more honest, trusting, and nice. I tell her, "I am honest, trusting, and nice!" She always replies, "Honey, Loveydew, Sweetheart, you lie about 'our' dog eating your homework! We don't even have a dog! We live in a no-dogs-allowed apartment! You don't even trust your baby sister to not eat your last homemade-granola-circle when you go to the bathroom when she has twenty left! You have to bring the bowl into the bathroom! being trusting or honest and everything else you do is not nice." Any boy at school would tell me I'm nice. Because I am! No matter what anything or anybody tells me, I'm nice!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Brand New Series Coming!

Coming on March 15, 2011!

Read about a little boy named Jesse would doesn't follow God's words. When he starts having strange dreams that put him back in Jesus' time, he'll learn what he did before is not what anyone wants. Dream Journal is coming to Story Corner on March 15th!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Darrin's Hat

One day, Jessica came up to Darrin and asked, "Why do you always wear that hat?" Darrin answered, "It's my lucky hat, I got it from the zoo. I love this hat, every time I wear it I feel special, unique, you know, lucky." She asked, "Why do you wear it backwards? Is there a reason for that?" He answered, "Yes, I wear it backwards, so when I have to be at class, I look cool, and don't have a shady, blocked out view. I don't like when I have a shady, blocked out view, no." Jessica nodded. She held out her fin, shook his hand, and left. Darrin shrugged. He patted his blue hat and followed his best friend, Lenny.

Friday, February 4, 2011

New Hope for Happiness Blog!

So, are you liking the blog? I hope you do!
I have a new blog all about Hope for Happiness!
If you want to get the latest updates and new opportunities, you should check out this blog.
Yes, that's right latest updates and new opportunities!
Okay, now I just sound like a commercial!
 Just click right HERE!

-Beth Early

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Darrin's First Snow

"There might be snow! There might be snow! There might be snow!" is all Darrin could here during the past week. He was so anxious, or nervous in an excited way. He went outside in his coat, jeans, gloves, and hat.

He and Sally ran into the yard. A snow flurry fell on Sally's turtle nose.
"SNOW!" They both shouted.
They ran around like bees in a flower garden.

They made snow angles and snowmen and all kinds of snow stuff.
That was a day to remember, Darrin's first snow!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Darrin, Are You Absolutely, Completely Sure?

"Darrin! Is you lunch in your backpack?" Mom asked. "Yes-s-s-s!" Darrin replied.
Later at lunch, Darrin found out he forgot his lunch. 
"Darrin, is your test paper turned in?" Mr. Fin asked. "Ye-e-e-es!" Darrin answered. 
Darrin got a zero, because he didn't turn it in.
"Darrin!" -Darrin stopped Justin from talking- "No, Justin. I probably didn't." 
"I was just going to ask you if you have a basketball." 
Darrin put his head in his hands. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Darrin's Report

Darrin sat in his seat, waiting nervously. He sweat and sweat. He got a tissue to wipe it away. "Darrin," Mr. Fin called out. Darrin wiped himself clean, he had to go up-front to say his report. He walked to the back of the room and pulled up a red wagon with a sheet on top of lump inside it.
"My report," he started, "Is on the community." He pulled off the sheet, and there was a model of the community.
Here's what he said:

"Our town is named, Frig Gina, after the founder, Freg Ginagig. Here we have many attractions, like, The Children's Museum and the Seaweed Restaurant. Did you know this restaurant is the most famous in the tank? Here the most popular sea animal is the seahorse, like you Alan. Our Lot-o-Tanks County leader, Henry Griffin, is a seahorse. We have a lot of neighborhoods here in Frig Gina. JustFrance St. in the Yucko neighborhood has the most houses. 20 down each side.  I would say Frig Gina is the best community ever!"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Martin Luther King Crab Jr.

"Next Monday is Martin Luther King Crab Jr. day!" Mr. Fin announced, while passing out books, "These books are all different, but all about King Crab. I want you to read them all, then I will pass out a few simple questions that are answered in all of the books." Darrin, a small turtle, read his story, it said:

Martin Luther King Crab Jr. was a great sea animal! He's famous for his speeches, but one was very important. Back in the day, different colored crabs in his town had to stay away from each other. They had separate oxygen fountains, separate classrooms, even separate grocery stores and fishtaurants! Martin, as a little crab, grew up like this. In the year 1963 Martin Luther King Crab's speech, "I have a dream," was delivered. "I have a dream," he said, "That one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'" One day, in Memphis, Tennessee, King Crab died. He was only 39. A man who didn't like what he said, shot him. We'll always remember King as the man who stood up for what he believed in. Think about your friends, are they different colors or different animals? Thank Martin Luther King Crab Jr., for he let you be friends with your friends. 

 Darrin loved the book. He wanted to say a speech in front of the school. He got out a paper and wrote, "I have a dream that one day we'll have decent cafeteria food."      

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Darrin's New Year Party

Knock Knock Knock! "I'll go get it!" Darrin cried as he rushed down the stairs in his seventies costume. He opened the door and found some flower power, "Mo-o-om, it's just Mr. and Mrs. Rudy." "Why, hello!" Mrs. Rudy announced, "I found a young fellow while I was a'walking, so I brought him in. He is a bit shy though." Between the Mrs. and to Mr. came little ol', I mean Dean, Darrin's new friend.

"Well, let's get this party pumpin'" Mom shouted. She turned on pop music from the seventies and started dancing. "My, what a hoot you must get dancing like an owl!" cried Mr. Rudy.
Meanwhile, Darrin and Dean drank soda and watched old series shows like the Brady Bunch, or The Cosby Show, sometimes even Beverly Hillbillies!

Once the clock struck midnight, The Rudy's Fireshow started. BOOM BOOM!!! went the fireworks.

As soon as the firework show was over, Mom brought Darrin up to his bed and put Dean in a sleeping bag. "Well, t'was a good night, so, as you guys say it," Mrs. Rudy told Mr. Rudy to join her in saying this, "'Appy New "Ear!!!"